Erection Problems? There is a new solution.

What Is and what might be causing my Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is when a man fails to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual activity. Whilst once isn’t a reason to worry, if it occurs more than 80% of the time, it is a definitive case of erectile dysfunction. There can be several reasons for ED which can be either physical or mental:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Low testosterone (Low-T)
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Peyronie’s disease (PRP has a 70-80% success rate)
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Anxiety

Certain medications and/or behaviours can also affect erectile dysfunction. These include:

  • Alcohol use, smoking, drug use or injuries.

The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Procedure

The PRP procedure uses substances naturally found in the body, namely concentrated blood platelets and growth factors. These are used to trigger repair and regeneration of the tissue and vessels in the penis. This leads to enhanced blood flow and nerve sensitivity and so helps the patient to achieve and maintain a normal healthy erection. Because the PRP procedure also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, it also improves the appearance of the penis.

PRP procedure makes an excellent additional treatment to our male enlargement procedure which is also available – please discuss at your consult.

The first part of the procedure is to draw blood, which is then spun using a centrifuge system, precisely extracting the required components, including platelets and monocytes. This process takes around 20-30 minutes. An anaesthetic cream or local anaesthetic can be used to numb your penis.  The concentrated PRP is re-injected into those areas of the penis which are most important for blood flow. This part of the process takes around 10 minutes. Patients experience some swelling and inflammation during the treatment, which is to be expected and will subside in 1 – 2 days.

You can reduce the risk of bruising during the procedure by avoiding the following items in the week leading up to your treatment:  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as Nurofen, blood thinning medications, and/or fish oils.

Following your treatment, the area may be swollen for up to 48 hours but this will reduce as the fluid is reabsorbed into the body. If swelling persists after 48 hours, you should contact the clinic. It’s also normal to experience a little bruising and tenderness. You should make sure that you keep the area clean and you’ll need to refrain from sexual activity and strenuous activity for the first 3 days after your treatment. You’ll be given post procedure instructions at the time of your treatment – take the time to read these and makes sure that you follow them carefully.

Treatment Summary

Procedure Time


Back To Work






Less Than 1 Hour




Topical and/or Local


3 days


Duration Of Results


Risks & Complications


Treatment Price Sensitivity Period


12 Months


Bruising, Infections or swelling


Varies according to individual needs None


Is the Treatment worth it?

The procedure is incredibly successful.  Whilst PRP is not a permanent fix, additional treatments may be required to achieve further results after 2 months and then again at 12-15 post treatment time.

Outcomes with PRP

There are several benefits and results that patients experience after the PRP Procedure. These include:

  • Stronger and longer-lasting erections
  • Prolonged sexual performance
  • Increased sensation
  • Enhanced appearance of penile skin
  • May assist with prostate discomfort
  • Will assist with Peyronie’s curvature straighten the penis


For most patients, you’ll see that the skin of the penis looks more hydrated within the first week from treatment, and tissue regeneration will start after about 3 – 4 weeks. Some people may require further sessions which can be arranged 4 – 8 weeks apart. For most people results of the PRP Procedure remain noticeable for about 12 – 15 months and an annual top up session is recommended so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of the PRP procedure.  Results differ for each patient depending upon your individual circumstances.  Everything will be discussed at your initial consult.