If you have any enquiries that are not addressed in the FAQ below, please contact us

Click a link below to view more information.

IMPORTANT: If you have severe difficulty breathing, call triple zero (000) immediately and tell the call handler and the paramedics on arrival about your recent travel history and any close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19.

For more information visit:  https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/coronavirus

Visit this government page if you think you may have symptoms:  https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/novel-coronavirus-quiz

You may telephone your doctor for advice but may be unavailable. A message will be left and the doctor may return your call at a later time. Please ensure to leave a current number. If your GP deems it appropriate, he/she may charge a consultation fee for their time unless making an appointment. This protocol also applies to electronic contact such as emails.

For new patients, please download our Patient Information Sheet by right clicking the button below and selecting ‘Save Link As’. Print out the form, fill it out and bring it along to your next appointment.

Nobody likes to be kept waiting. Our staff are aware of this and every effort is made to adhere to appointment schedules. However, the unpredictable nature of a medical practice means that doctors do sometimes run behind time. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused to patients when we run behind. Please feel free to telephone our surgery to check whether your doctor is running on time. If you think you may require a longer appointment, please let reception staff know so they can book appropriately. If you require any assistance, please feel free to ask our staff members. They will be only too happy to help.

Getting the results of any test or procedure: Your doctor will advise when they expect the results to arrive at the practice. Call your doctor to find out your results and ask what they mean for your care.

Repeat Prescriptions:   Prescriptions contain privileged medical information about your treatment. As such, it may not be released to any third party without your specific written permission, nor can we constantly check bone fide’s of all patients collecting prescriptions. To comply with Govt. legislation patients will be encouraged to see the Doctor for Repeats; a charge of $5 will apply for phone repeats to cover increased administration.

If you are genuinely unable to attend the surgery your Doctor can visit you at home if you live in the Tewantin, Noosaville, Noosa Heads or Sunshine Beach/Sunrise area. It may be more appropriate to have us arrange transport for you to the surgery where management is much more effective.

Requests for House calls are best made before 10 am. And please consider that house calls are time consuming and the Doctor can usually help at least 4 people in the surgery in the time taken to visit one at home.

If you request a house call the receptionist may enquire about the nature of your problem, or connect you to your Doctor to assess urgency. Many problems are not safely manageable in the home; Reception will assist you to determine the best management, and transport if needed.

If you need assistance with a baby please see our staff. They will be pleased to help you.

The surgery is level and access in a wheelchair is usually not a problem. There is an emergency access at the side. If you have any specific needs please don’t hesitate to inform the staff.

We run a forward appointments system keeping times available to fit in urgent problems. You can make an appointment with your doctor by telephoning the surgery; Urgent medical problems will be dealt with promptly as long as you make it clear to reception staff that you consider the situation is significant. Bookings are made at 15 minute intervals and this means you can expect to spend up to 15 minutes with the doctor. This may change if there are emergencies or the surgery is very busy. You can always phone the surgery to determine if there are any delays.  As we are a group practice we do endeavour to make appointments for you with the GP of your choice. If your GP is unavailable, reception staff will offer you an alternative Doctor who is able to access your patient record.

If you feel you will need to spend more time with the doctor please let the receptionist know you require a longer booking.

Examples of consultations which will generally take longer than 15 minutes are:

  1. ‘Shopping List’ of several minor problems can take more time than an in-depth single item.
  2. Requirements for overseas travel. Please bring an itinerary with you.
  3. Personal problems, counselling or complex situations require considerable time to unravel.
  4. ‘Checkups’. Illness or Wellness is complex, never simple.
  5. Physical examinations for commercial driving licence, employment applications etc.
  6. Driving Medicals.
  7. ‘I’m feeling tired.’ Like checkups, it is never simple.
  8. First antenatal checks.
  9. First visits often take more time to detail history.

In the above circumstances the doctor may need to ask you to return for a longer appointment time.

If the matter is an emergency please call Qld. Ambulance on 000

If you feel you have a significant illness, and A/H treatment is required please contact the:

National Home Doctor Service: 13SICK (13 74 25)
House Call Doctor: 13 55 66 | Download the App

The Doctors of Noosa Clinic manage private patients at the Noosa Hospital. Nursing home visits are arranged on an as-needed basis.

Our practice is committed to preventative care. Your doctor will seek your permission to be included on our reminder system. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system please let your doctor or reception know. We also encourage patients to enrol in the State/Federal reminder systems such as the Pap Smear registry or the Breast screen registry, they are free.

This practice has a “NO SMOKING” policy

Occasionally this practice invites patients to complete a confidential questionnaire on their views of the practice and how it could be improved. A suggestion box is also provided should you wish to volunteer a comment, or you could speak directly to our staff without prejudice.

If you have a complaint or a suggestion please feel free to discuss this with your GP or our reception staff or place it in our suggestion box. If you feel that you are unable to discuss with Clinic staff or your Doctor and wish to take your concern further, that is discuss the matter with authorities outside the surgery, several options are available including the Medical Registration Board, AMA or Health Rights Commission.

Health Complaints Entities
PO Box 13281
George Street
Brisbane Qld 4001
Phone: 133OHO (133646)
info@oho.qld.gov.au / www.oho.qld.gov.au

This practice is involved in the training of Medical Students and sometimes Doctors completing GP training. Your Doctor may ask you to allow a trainee to sit-in on consultations as part of the learning process. This is completely discretionary and, if you feel this is not appropriate for you at the time, you are free to decline. They also may perform minor procedures such as electrocardiography and respiratory function testing. Under all circumstances they will be supervised.

This practice may also be involved in Research and Clinical Trials of new treatments. You will be fully informed if any of these potentially involve you. You are of course free to choose whether you wish to participate or not. Naturally any involvement would be totally dependent on your fully informed consent and any information gained would be fully de-identified.

All patient consultations and medical records are kept strictly confidential and there is a comprehensive Privacy Statement available should you wish to view it. Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of our practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised staff members. To assist us in conforming with the law, please do not enquire about family or friends even such general advice is considered legally confidential.

Management of your Personal Health Information: We abide by the thirteen National Privacy Principles available at http://www.privacy.gov.au/health/index.html

Patients who wish to access their own recorded medical information should make a request either through office staff or their doctor. There will be a cost attached to such requests.

It is the policy of Noosa Clinic to not email patients their results or any other private information except for exceptional circumstances.
The patient can either pick up or we can post the information directly.
Thank you for your understanding.

For more information, please download our Patient Information document.

Noosa Clinic  |  306a/90 Goodchap Street Noosaville Qld 4566

Practice hours

Monday to Friday
Phones are open from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm.

Appointments Available
8.30 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday

Phones are open from 8.00 am to 12.00 noon.

Appointments Available

8.00 am to 1.00 pm Saturday.

Hours vary on a Saturday but in general run from between 8.00 am until 1.00 pm.

Doctors work on a rotational roster on Saturdays.

Availability of your Doctor will vary depending on their work-load, our reception staff will always attempt to accommodate you with another doctor if available. 

Please call us on 07 5449 7600 to book an appointment